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截至今年5月底,統一超小金雞菲律賓7-Eleven的展店數已達台灣總店數一半;今年以來受疫情衝擊,在當地實施封城措施下,有高達 90% 的門市無法營運,相當辛苦。但統一超在台灣的本業狀況究竟如何?答案是——同樣衰退!


攤開統一超在台灣的第一季財報中的各別部門損益細項,「便利商店」淨利較去年同期大減 7%;不僅如此,去年全年其便利商店淨利122億元,也比前一年減少2億元。相較之下,全家第一季財報中的便利商店損益,竟較去年同期大幅成長 24%。去年全年稅後淨利,也較前一年增加了2億2千萬元。眼見老二成長、老大衰退,我們忍不住要問:長年位居便利商店龍頭的小七,究竟是怎麼了?










2、下午4點整,優惠在商品預售平台上線的同時,全家的臉書發文、Line 推播,由各門市加盟主分頭管理的兩千個私密 Line 群,也同步向熟客宣傳。
3、10 分鐘後,系統瞬間被蜂擁而入的消費者流量塞爆,晚上 10 點才逐漸恢復正常。



這個自 2016 年就開始運行的平台,靠著取代小白單的「咖啡寄杯」打響名號,從只能買咖啡,一路擴張為泡麵、鮮奶、罐頭、衛生紙等剛性需求日用品,都可以一次大量購買,再分批取貨。疫情期間,消費者急於囤貨民生用品時,該平台也發揮功效。

2、消費者必須擁有全家會員與 FamiPay 支付,而且 App 的開啟率不低。唯有如此,才能在短短不到兩小時的宣傳時間內,讓大量核心會員得知這項優惠訊息,並且透過線上金流順利下單。







三大連鎖超商業者全家、萊爾富和OK便利商店以APP預售咖啡的寄杯服務已行之有年,統一超千呼萬喚才跟進此服務,事實上,除了超商同業競爭,隨著全聯 OFF COFFEE現煮平價咖啡2019年開賣即大打寄杯服務,加上連鎖咖啡店路易莎、cama 咖碼積極展店拉走部分客源,這是7-ELEVEN不得不走的一步棋。



然而,自4月初統一超跟進「買一送一、3杯咖啡100元」等優惠促銷活動,而且統一超是發送給所有消費者(全家只聚焦在經營會員) ,即便大量寄杯恐侵蝕超商「黑金」的毛利率疑慮,但若能藉此衝高銷量甚至帶動併買行為,非不可行。






不過全家先後找上 Uber Eats 與 Foodpanda 合作,而小七卻選擇知名度相對較低的全球快遞,但短短幾個月,統一超「可外送門市」已經高達2600間,比全家的1000店多出1倍以上。

3、最關鍵的一戰:6 月初,統一超祭出被業界形容為「殺到見血」的支付工具折扣,只要使用 icash2.0、 icash pay、open 錢包等任一種支付並綁定會員,全店商品都可在平日折扣 5%,周日限定加碼折扣 10%。這個寧可犧牲利潤,也要衝刺市占率和使用率的策略,讓使用上述支付結帳的占比達到 23.5%,會員數一舉逼近 800 萬人(目前全家會員約 1200 萬人)。





統一超上半年還大舉展店,包括一般門市、聯名店,結合咖啡、博客來選書與烘焙坊的Big 7複合店等,合計新增145間,持續強化實體店霸主優勢。
這種整合集團資源的策略,與日本 7-Eleven 如出一轍,也就是綁定一個會員帳號,就能在大量關係企業如西武百貨、Sogo、akachan 等使用,通路越多,越有助加速推廣會員。


在超商本業上,7-ELEVEN 以社會廚房為定位,第一季推出「就近買、安心吃」系列活動,並整合集團資源推出「Simple Fit」全新生活提案商品、開發具話題性與差異化商品,有效帶動買氣。


而 7-ELEVEN 交貨便服務內外資源整合,強調差異化,如網購平台獨家免運活動、寄件送購物金,以及賣貨便平台服務持續優化等,也成為挹注營收另一動能。


展店方面,7-ELEVEN 第一季推出全新複合型態「冷凍旗艦店」,擴大冷凍品項與生鮮結構,並於高雄開出第二家「卡娜赫拉的小動物」品牌聯名店。




進入第二季,統一超整合集團資源的利基下,6月起將再推出「第三波振興優惠券」和「三大支付立折 5%」擴大行銷專案,為第二季業績添衝刺動能。
「第三波振興優惠券」規劃有「第二件0元」、「第三件0元」和「第二件10元」等五大省錢專區,增加泡麵、米、罐頭等民生必需品,其中,0 元商品數達26項,在搭配三大支付現折5%,估算最高可為消費者省下 4722元。

而6月1日起至6月30日止,「3 大支付立折 5%」活動也擴大至全台超過5700 家門市,並新增CITY CAFE等人氣商品系列,共有超過6000款商品可使用 icash2.0、icash Pay和 OPEN錢包支付享有 5% 折扣優惠,還可同步累積OPEN POINT 點數。








7-ELEVEN 複合型態店目前已有超商、咖啡、閱讀、烘焙和生啤酒等不同業態,業績平均可較一般門市至少成長 10-20%。




7-ELEVEN 表示,近年台灣冷凍與冷藏調理食品銷售總額超過460億元,商機龐大,而 7-ELEVEN 冷凍品業績也逐年穩定成長,尤其在住宅區、醫院型門市的冷凍品業績表現較一般門市高出近3倍,因此,正積極擴大冷凍品項與生鮮結構,並首度結盟崇越集團旗下安永鮮物,一口氣導入其30款產品。

7-ELEVEN 冷凍旗艦店特別規劃 6 大區域,包括個人化冷凍食品、素食專區、家庭用冷凍食品、氣炸專區、安永鮮物區和台塑有機蔬菜專區。

7-ELEVEN 強調,其冷鏈規模已為業界最成熟完備,早在 2018 年底開始擴增門市冷凍空間,目前雙門冷凍櫃的門市近3000家,新開幕的冷凍生鮮旗艦店,冷凍食品品項數較一般門市多1倍,並進駐4台的雙門立式冷凍冰箱和海島型冷凍冰箱。






7-ELEVEN 指出,看好國內交通路網持續擴大,積極耕耘車站周邊商場經營,全台台鐵、高鐵、機場、捷運、交通轉運站和周邊商場等,共設置有近 50 家 7-ELEVEN 門市,2020年也陸續在高雄車站新站、花蓮車站內商場以及微風台北車站 1 樓商場等設立新據點。


統一超「日月潭水社綜合商場」加入營運後,目前經營的商場已達 53 個,統一超說明,旗下商場類型包括觀光景點、交通轉運、大專院校、醫療院所、科技廠辦、國際機場、商辦大樓共七大類,一年服務人次約超過6000萬,其中,國道服務區有泰安服務區、仁德服務區兩大據點。








統一超6月22日宣布,集點平台 OPENPOINT 整合多元品牌和通路,自7月1日起將啟動「多通路積點」服務,力拚集結集團資源,強化經營熟客生態圈。


統一超說明,「多通路積點」服務即消費者只要以1組會員帳號即可跨品牌累積並折抵點數當現金使用,未來OPEN POINT會員到7-ELEVEN、網購、藥妝和加油站消費,報手機電話或出示OPEN POINT APP會員條碼可快速累積OPEN POINT點數,首波加入通路包含康是美、統一精工速邁樂加油中心。


7-ELEVEN 進一步表示,自6月1日起整合集團資源推「3 大支付立折 5%」活動後,透過 icash2.0、icash Pay、OPEN 錢包三大支付工具有效帶動業績成長,目前整體支付占比達 23.5%,並帶動整體非現金支付占比進 35%,會員數已來到近800 萬人,再加上電商成長、強化會員經營有利拉升客單價等,有助持續利潤率。





統一投入在台南的土地費用高達18億元,整體北中南物流投資規模初估達100 億元以上,未來將先以集團使用為思考,有必要的話也許可開放社會使用。





  • Brandi Love
    Brandi Love 2023 年 10 月 17 日 上午 2:43

    If your banner is mosting likely to be put within, this element isn’t much of a problem. Nonetheless, if it’s mosting likely to be hung outside where wind might be a concern, consider using a mesh banner that permits air flow to travel through. Nevertheless, if we were to provide you a hint, we recommend you start with Glorify. It is the best value for cash while being beginner-friendly. It compiled the best features of the other software, all loaded under one roofing.
    With banner design software program, you will certainly be able to develop professional-looking banners for your products and services. Banner layout software also permits you to tailor your banners to match your branding and also advertising and marketing goals. Additionally, it can aid you save time and money on banner manufacturing expenses. On the various other hand, businesses can make use of banner design software to create marketing and advertising materials, such as site banners, email headers, and also social media messages.

    In some circumstances, little banners can be positioned in strategic areas to assist people to your place. Of course, in some cases wind can be your buddy, such as in the case of feather banners. The digital age may have reduced the monetary entry-point for appealing digital signs, yet banners can still transform heads.
    Banner Dimensions: What You Require To Recognize
    I will certainly confess I obtain a little bit anxious walking right into a new place I have never ever been to previously. But they left no space for me to feel that when I walked in which alone made my wait so much better. Then to view the barbers cut with such confidence and also ability appropriate then as well as there I understood I remained in the best place. This snugly woven three-layered material delivers exceptional print quality and also opacity.

    Plastic. Plastic is one of the most popular kind of product for banners. Appropriate for both indoor and exterior use, it”s a cost-efficient choice contrasted to others. The banner, which can measure from 16 feet by 50 feet without joints, is digitally printed on a 13 oz scrim, plastic sheet.

    That’s why boxes from Tiffany’s, for instance, are that same Robin’s egg blue and also they utilize that shade anywhere they possibly can. At this moment, the 2nd you see that color (also if it’s not connected to their store), you consider Tiffany’s. Like your site or ads, your e-mail banners must have the same feel and look of your brand. Having a concept in mind for your banner is just the first step. To make your banner attract attention in a noisy, online world, you need to include unique aspects. Make your message pop with text results like curved message or an overview– or trying out message dimension and spacing.
    The Future Of Designops Digital Book
    You have to reveal the audience what you’ve got, what they desire, “the Item” itself. It can be an image of a pair of footwear, a gelato or a vehicle, loaded with furnishings. Something that your brand or service can use and also intend to advertise.

    One of the most effective banner layouts that exist is developed by Disney+. Their banner advertisement is effective and also enticing as well as can be best explained as an unique idea. With restricted text in an interesting font and also a clear picture, Disney+ has actually also included a clear phone call to action switch that guides the audience to Disney’s subscription page. Another method to stand apart using a turn up banner is to be creative. It is extremely important to have a look in any way the details of the advertising and marketing product prior to printing it.
    Means To Utilize Pop-up Banner Shows To Your Advantage To Draw Unique Interest Of Your Customers
    Yet if you have actually complied with all of the above steps and also you’re still not material with the outcome, there are a few tweaks you can make that will transform the whole look and feel of it. Spelling errors, get in touch with detail oversights as well as printing errors are all significant no-no’s forever appear displays. Think about the structure of the entire pop up stand. Believe left to right as well as top to base, thinking of how a person would certainly read the appear display.

    When you’re done, click Download and install on the top toolbar to export your layout, or share on social media sites. Pick a banner theme that fits your demands or open up a blank canvas if you wish to start from scratch. At the minimum, these ads get the target market’s focus as well as increase brand recognition. When released properly, they will certainly get your target market to visit your website and also go through with a conversion. A banner style is essential, because it is a hassle-free way to amplify your brand and also boost its visibility.
    About Pepper Web Content
    With banner style software program, you will be able to develop professional-looking banners for your products and services. Banner layout software program likewise enables you to personalize your banners to match your branding and also marketing goals. Additionally, it can aid you save money and time on banner production expenses. On the various other hand, services can make use of banner style software application to create marketing and advertising products, such as web site banners, e-mail headers, as well as social media sites blog posts.

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  • Natisha Sifford
    Natisha Sifford 2023 年 10 月 17 日 上午 2:12

    While symmetry isn’t necessarily a poor thing, it’s a boring and also very easy method to share information. By using asymmetry, you’ll develop aesthetic interest and spontaneity, and additionally record people’s interest effectively. If you have an appeal blog and your target market is teenagers however your site design looks as well company, possibilities are you’ll bore your teenager customers. Not to mention your new site visitors might not acknowledge that you even run a beauty blog site.
    Top 7 Banner Style Errors And How To Prevent Them
    All offset printing presses make use of a four-color procedure to print photos and photos, which is why CMYK is the right color setting. For your banners to turn out the means you expect them to be, conserve your data in CMYK shade code. At 48HourPrint. com, we have a CMYK color overview that you can describe ensure precision in the shades for your design. Not putting your contact information in the banner will defeat its purpose. While a great copy and also style are essential in a banner, your banners won’t be effective if you select the incorrect shades.

    The kind of services or product provided by the client can substantially impact the color of banners. Often, out-of-home advertisements or store signs are the impression possible clients will certainly have of your organization. About 72% of Americans believe product packaging layout affects their buying decisions. Therefore, all of your printed designs need proper graphic specs to generate top notch materials that will certainly enhance the client experience. Whether they’re pictures or visuals art, captivating images provide an excellent method of improving your banner’s style.
    How can you package your message to make sure that it fits within this short attention span? One way is to make the most of the non-textual components you include. Ensure the graphics on the banner aid to communicate the message much like the message does. Not just do you desire your banner to feature your brand name’s colors, but you additionally intend to make sure it does so properly. To put it simply, you do not want a different tone or color of blue than the specific blue you have actually selected to represent your brand name.

    Utilizing cables as well as rods, hanging banners can be shown over groups for maximum presence and marketing impact. While setup for ceiling displays might be a little extra entailed, the possible payoff can be well worth the initiative. The weave of a mesh banner is a lot more absorptive, allowing wind to go through without lifting the banner up like a sail or wing.

    For instance, the last point you desire on a landing web page or sales brochure is a disorderly mélange of too much typefaces. Not only does it look disruptive and disruptive, but our eyes have a hard time scanning multiple typefaces. You can trying out contrasting fonts, but restrict it to 2-3 at the most, and also make certain they match the tone of your project. Avoiding those errors can absolutely aid organizations to generate positive leads. In general, this does need you to have a good suggestion of where and also when the banner will be positioned.
    You can seek motivation as well as examples from effective banner campaigns, in addition to from your rivals or peers. You can assess what works and also what doesn’t, what catches your interest and what makes you click, what communicates the message plainly and also what leaves you confused. You can likewise obtain feedback and also ideas from your colleagues, customers, or customers and use them to enhance your banner design.

    It’s hard to suggest with the resilience of their material; they can be utilized both inside and outdoors, and they are tear-resistant. Banners are lengthy strips of product bearing a slogan or style, with the intent of standing for a business, company, federal government, or other entity. Such might be attributed to the truth that they need even more expensive printers to publish the material.

    Photos and also video clips do even more to seize target markets’ attention than text-based web content. As it is indispensable to a banner’s success, poor-quality photos can badly disappoint an audience. In addition, individuals would certainly not bother to read the text on a banner if the photo top quality is substandard. At Speedpro, we have the experience to aid direct you via the printing process, and also we’ll produce a completed item you’re proud to show.

    Bear in mind, there are lots of various other layouts and also dimension dimensions to choose from besides the ones you see listed below. A favorite in the tradeshow space, this textile is most generally utilized in silicone side graphic structures for total opacity. While this vinyl’s 1000 denier is beyond the demands for many tasks, if your application will need to endure harsh weather condition, this is the substrate for you. Material is not 100% opaque, so a double-sided design needs 2 banners to be welded or sewn together with a blackout item in between. Fabric banners do not have an all-natural sheen like vinyl as well as soak up light, making them a far better choice for step and also repeats and also flash digital photography.
    Sports Banners
    This product is 30% material and also 70% holes, allowing far better windflow. Blowthrough mesh banners for your phase banners and also backdrops is a must. This blend allows wind– as well as appear– to flow throughout the product. Your brand name components will come together to reinforce your firm’s voice. As you plaster the banner that our expert visuals developers crafted, we will guarantee that your client list will continue to expand. Trust fund our long-lasting ink and sturdy banner material to generate the highest resolution of layouts feasible.

  • Shella MacPherson
    Shella MacPherson 2023 年 10 月 17 日 上午 2:09

    Lots of teeth whiteners might be unpleasant to your teeth, leading to raised tooth level of sensitivity. There are teeth whiteners created specifically for delicate teeth, but you must speak with your dental expert to see which ones would certainly work best for you. If you have abrupt tooth sensitivity, it could be due to a break or crack in the tooth or a filling. It also might be because of swelling in the gums or in the nerves of the tooth. To make your very own rinse, mix 2 tbsps of hydrogen peroxide– 3% hydrogen peroxide functions best– with 2 tablespoons of warm water.
    5– Utilize A Fluoride Mouth Wash
    From oral regular adjustments to a brand-new tooth paste product with naturally acquired active ingredients, you have options. Sensitive teeth treatment in the house can most definitely aid alleviate tooth pain, yet it will not fix the underlying trouble. It is necessary to make a consultation with your dental professional if your tooth sensitivity lasts greater than a couple of weeks. The dental professional then can identify the source of your tooth sensitivity as well as suggest the best treatment option to alleviate your discomfort. Teeth that are delicate are normally the result of worn enamel or exposed tooth origins. Other factors, such as a cavity, a fractured or damaged tooth, a worn dental filling, or gum disease, can additionally cause oral pain.

    One more cause of tooth level of sensitivity is fractures in the tooth’s enamel surface area. Extreme temperature level changes create teeth to broaden and also agreement. Over time, tiny fractures might develop, enabling warm or cool sensations to permeate via to the nerves below the tooth enamel. While this may look like a substantial treatment, it’s taken into consideration the most successful method for removing tooth sensitivity. While reviewing the extent of your tooth level of sensitivity, it’s important to take into account not only how solid the discomfort is, however how regularly it takes place.
    It’s likewise common to experience temporary sensitivity after getting your teeth lightened. Breezy Bay Dental – Hand Harbor, FLBreezy Bay Dental is a full service dental facility committed to the care and also well-being of our individuals. We enjoy to assist people keep healthy gum tissues and also teeth, while providing all your oral requirements at one place. Come see us to see our advanced oral center in charming Hand Harbor. Modification your tooth brush as well as exactly how you clean– stay clear of hard-bristled tooth brushes and also brushing teeth too vigorously.

    You may also wish to attempt drinking through a straw whenever feasible to restrict tooth exposure. Your teeth getting brownish spots be the result of numerous concerns, some easy and also others a bit more challenging. It’s vital to find the source of such oral discoloration and identify just how to handle it quicker rather than later. Oral enamel defects occasionally result from celiac illness.

    Every teeth lightening specialist in gardena suggest you to bring your treatment throughout day. Just publication your appointmnet online or call us directly to confirm your slot. Delicate teeth cause your enamels and gums they safeguard your teeth from any rough setting. Adjustment your tooth brush and also tooth paste as suggested by your specialist dentist. The dental expert will certainly check out your teeth and also may take an X-ray to identify the beginning of the discomfort and make therapy suggestions. With a name like that, this could seem a sure thing to alleviate your signs and symptoms.
    If all else falls short, connect to a neighborhood dental professional to review their concepts as well as choices as well. These are just a few of one of the most typical points that can cause delicate teeth. Here are a few of one of the most common causes of delicate teeth.
    Delicate Teeth Sos: Just How To Get Prompt Relief From Pain?
    We recommend that you attempt to stay with only sensitive toothpaste for your brushing your teeth as long as feasible. You can additionally combine this tooth paste with a soft or extra-soft tooth brush to be extra gentle on your teeth as well as gums. To stop sensitive teeth from repeating, comb your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush as well as fluoride tooth paste and floss daily. Use gentle strokes, rather than vigorous or harsh scrubbing up, and also prevent making use of an abrasive tooth paste. If you grind your teeth, ask your dental professional concerning a mouth guard.

    If you have cold-sensitive teeth, consult your dentist for ideas regarding just how to help maintain your teeth healthy. If you have actually observed that your teeth have level of sensitivity to chilly, you’re not alone. Research studies suggest that a minimum of 45 million grownups in the United States whine that they struggle with teeth sensitivity to cold, warm, or other stimulations.
    Saltwater Rinsing
    Eating two-three guava leaves might help reduce both tooth sensitivity and also discomfort. According to a study of 2017, guava has pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial homes. Utilizing extracts abundant in guava flavonoids can assist relieve tooth pain.

  • Muoi Proud
    Muoi Proud 2023 年 10 月 17 日 上午 2:05

    It just takes a few discussions with fellow girls when driving to know that the majority of us load reasonably comparable items. Regardless of how far I’m treking, I constantly lug a small first aid package with necessary things like sore plasters and emergency supplies. If you’re lucky, you may never have to utilize this, but it’s ideal to be prepared. It’s also wise to pack some bug security, like insect repellent. If I’m hiking someplace that I recognize the mosquitos will certainly be bad, I will pack my pest headnet too. My favored resting pad for summer season backpacking and also the shoulder seasons is the Sea to Top Ether Light Insulated Sleeping Pad.

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    Nicknamed the “Pocket Knife of Camping tents, the Crua Core 6-Person Outdoor tents is developed with convenience as well as flexibility in mind. The most excellent function of the White Duck Wall Surface Camping tent is its adaptability. The durable, light-weight aluminum frame offers extraordinary architectural security, while the modular design permits very easy configuration and personalization.

    I simply link it to the beyond my pack during the day to recharge. I additionally actually like my tiny generic inflatable cushion. In the summer season, I’ll bring some tequila and also some lemon lime crystal light drink crystals. There is nothing like a backpacking margarita by the fire after a lengthy day on the route.

    It’s most likely the most effective financial investment you can make for your dog’s nighttime security as well as your assurance. The SnugPak Jungle Survival Covering is constructed from compressible polyester. It’s both anti-bacterial as well as antimicrobia, in addition to windproof and water resistant. It’s temperature level ranked to 45 levels F and low of 36 degrees.

    Food and also water are the most vital points you require on a 7-day outdoor camping trip. Besides your sanctuary and also various other resting equipment, you will also need to bring a camp oven, and also the little things like personal health, personal medicines, lip balm, as well as added risks.

    The North Face Wawona 8 is a much-loved camping tent with a massive sleeping ability and a very high peak elevation of 78 inches. I also love that this tent has a range pipe air vent for a timber stove to maintain you cozy in wintertime. The 16′ x20 ′ dimension is the second-largest wall surface outdoor tents by Whiteduck, so if you require to size up, there’s an option for you.
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    For a NATUREHIKE tent, waterproof means that all exterior material has been covered with our phenomenal polyurethane coverings and the joints are watertight out of the bag. ” mm” describes millimeters and also is coupled with a number to represent a standardized dimension of exactly how water resistant a coating is. For instance, a 3000mm layer will withstand a 3000mm (9.85′) column of water for greater than one min prior to a single decline may appear through the textile. That’s solid sufficient to stop rainfall from leaking into a tent in a hurricane-force storm. Camping has a number of physical and also mental benefits for people young and old.

    Some premium luxury tents can set you back several thousand bucks, while others can be acquired for a couple of hundred bucks. Ultimately, the most effective glamping outdoor tents brand for you will certainly depend on your specific needs as well as choices. Whether you’re trying to find a large family tent or a streamlined, modern-day sheath, there’s a brand name out there that will certainly suit your demands. So do your research study, read reviews, as well as pick the brand name that ideal matches your glamping design. Outdoor camping does not need to imply sacrificing convenience as well as deluxe. With a couple of basic tips as well as tricks, you can turn any type of outdoor camping journey into a glamping experience.

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    Keywords portaltvto نتایج آزمون
    Blog_Comment بعدش هم نیازه که اطلاعات شناسنامه ای خودتون رو در سامانه اعلام نتایج وارد کنین و نتیجه آزمون رو ببینین.

    Anchor_Text portaltvto نتایج آزمون
    Image_Comment این سازمان با هدف سنجش هنرپژوهان و
    ارائه گواهی نامه معتبر به آن ها آزمونی را برگزار می نماید.

    Guestbook_Comment یکی از آزمون هایی که هر ساله توسط سازمان فنی حرفه ای کشور برگزار میشه، آزمون ادواریه.

    Category misc
    Micro_Message مهارت آموزانی که در آزمون های آنلاین شرکت کرده بودند نیز باید
    از بخش اعلام نتایج آزمون آنلاین فنی و حرفه ای به مشاهده جواب خود
    About_Yourself 26 year old Geologist II Standford Tear,
    hailing from Noelville enjoys watching movies like Cold Turkey and
    Pet. Took a trip to St Mary’s Cathedral and St Michael’s Church at Hildesheim and drives a Ram Van 3500.

    Forum_Comment برای اطلاع از بخش های سامانه ساها دانشگاه
    آزاد بر روی لینک کلیک کنید.
    Forum_Subject دریافت گواهینامه
    Video_Title ثبت نام آزمون فنی حرفه ای شرایط و نحوه
    شرکت، دیدن نتایج
    Video_Description این سازمان در راستای ارائه خدمات
    نوین اینترنتی خدماتی مانند ثبت
    نام در دوره های فنی حرفه ای، دریافت کارت ورود به جلسه آزمون، مشاهده نتایج آزمون و … را برای متقاضیان خود به صورت آنلاین و با استفاده از
    سامانه فنی و حرفه ای portaltvto  ارائه
    می کند.
    Website_title azmoon net + ورود به سامانه اعلام نتایج دانشگاه آزاد ۱۴۰۲
    ایران تحصیل
    Description_250 متقاضی جهت قبولی و اخذ مدرک فنی حرفه ای نیاز به این داشته تا حداقل معدل میانگین را نیز به دست آورد.

    Description_450 داوطلبان علاقمند به شرکت در آزمون
    صنعت ساختمان و دریافت مدرک حرفه مورد نظر خود، می بایست
    به لیست رشته های ثبت نام آزمون
    صنعت ساختمان ۱۴۰۲ توجه نمایند.

    Guestbook_Title سازمان آموزش فنی و حرفه ای کشور
    Image_Subject سازمان آموزش فنی
    و حرفه ای کشور دریافت نتایج آزمون ها
    Blog Title اعلام نتایج آزمون فنی حرفه ای ۱۴۰۲ مشاهده
    جواب امتحان آنلاین 1402
    Blog Description آزمون عملی سازمان فنی حرفه ای زمان برگزاری شرایط ثبت
    Company_Name portaltvto نتایج آزمون
    Blog_Name portaltvto com سایت سازمان فنی و حرفه
    ای ورود به پورتال
    Blog_Tagline سازمان آموزش فنی
    و حرفه ای کشور استعلام گواهینامه ها
    Blog_About 52 yrs old Speech Pathologist Gerianne Pedracci,
    hailing from Manitouwadge enjoys watching movies like Divine
    Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti and Watching movies.
    Took a trip to Historic Area of Willemstad and drives
    a Silverado 2500.
    Article_title azmoon net + ورود به سامانه
    اعلام نتایج دانشگاه آزاد ۱۴۰۲ ایران تحصیل
    Article_summary یکی از موارد قابل توجه جهت شرکت
    در آزمون عملی، زمان مرتبط با این آزمون بوده که هنرجو طبق
    تاریخ تعیین شده در این آزمون شرکت می کند.

    Article این دسته از متقاضیان نیز می توانند پس از گذشت حدود
    10 روز از زمان برگزاری آزمون، جواب آزمون فنی و حرفه ای
    را مشاهده نمایند. در جدول زیر زمان
    اعلام نتایج آزمون های کتبی ادواری 1402 ارائه شده است.
    آزمون های فنی و حرفه ای با توجه به دسته بندی که سازمان فنی و حرفه ای صورت داده در هر رشته
    برگزار شده و نتایج آن نیز حدود دو الی
    سه هفته پس از برگزاری آزمون به اطلاع داوطلبان
    می رسد. در این مقاله قصد داریم برای آشنایی بیشتر متقاضیان با اعلام نتایج مراحل آزمون های کتبی هماهنگ و ادواری به بررسی زمان و
    نحوه اعلام نتیجه آزمون های کتبی فنی و حرفه ای ۱۴۰۲ بپردازیم.

    برای دریافت اطلاعات بیشتر در خصوص
    اعلام نتایج آزمون فنی حرفه ای و نحوه مشاهده نتایج هر یک از دوره های هماهنگ و ادواری فنی
    و حرفه ای، خوندن مقاله زیر پیشنهاد میشه .
    زمان اعلام نتایج آزمون فنی حرفه ای بسته به زمان برگزاری، تو سایت سازمان فنی حرفه
    ای منتشر میشه و تنها راه پیگیری زمان اعلام جواب آنلاین آزمون فنی
    حرفه ای، پورتال خود سازمان می باشد، چون زمان اعلام نتایج آزمون های مختلف متفاوته.

    سایت آزمون خیاطی به نشانی portaltvto.com همواره برای متقاضیان در دسترس
    بوده و قابل استفاده می باشد.
    متقاضیان برای ثبت نام و کسب اطلاعات بیشتر
    از دوره های سازمان می توانند از طریق این سایت اقدام نمایند.
    آیا از تاریخ آزمون عملی فنی حرفه ای اطلاع دارید؟
    افرادی که در آزمون کتبی هر کدام از رشته ها یا مهارت های
    فنی حرفه ای شرکت کرده اند، بایستی از
    زمان ثبت نام، دریافت کارت ورود به جلسه، برگزاری و
    اعلام نتایج آزمون عملی مطلع باشند.
    در ادامه با زمانبندی آزمون عملی فنی
    حرفه ای در مراحل مختلف آشنا شده و توضیحات کامل در این مورد دریافت خواهید کرد.
    زمان و محل برگزاری آزمون فنی حرفه ای
    1402 توسط آموزشگاه به داوطلبان اطلاع رسانی
    خواهد شد.
    About_Me 53 yrs old Physical Therapy Assistant Bernadene Ducarne, hailing from Maple Ridge enjoys watching movies like The End of the Tour and Shooting.

    Took a trip to Rock-Hewn Churches of Ivanovo and
    drives a Viper.
    About_Bookmark 36 yrs old Legal Assistant Kalle Ferraron, hailing from
    Saint-Paul enjoys watching movies like “Legend of Hell House, The”
    and Metal detecting. Took a trip to San Marino Historic Centre and Mount Titano
    and drives a Fox.
    Topic portaltvto نتایج آزمون

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